Presidents- Three Missed Opportunities
As I listened to an interview
on the radio, I was reminded of three Presidents and their opportunities to change
the culture of secrecy and deceit that is characteristic of the U.S. government.
I want to discuss why, I believe, Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama weren't able to capitalize on these opportunities.
When Jimmy Carter
assumed the Presidency, in January of 1977, he was in a most
advantageous position. On the heels of the disastrous presidency of Richard
Nixon, Carter seemed to be the right man, at the right time, for what was to
prove to be, a most difficult job. The public had just found out about
“Watergate”, “The Pentagon Papers”, “The Plumbers” (the secret group tasked
with plugging “leaks” coming from the White House), the break-in at Daniel
Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office (Ellsberg is the man who “leaked” “The
Pentagon Papers” to the newspapers) and the Church commission. Voters were
FED-UP! With the abuses of power of their government fresh in their minds, they
wanted someone they could trust and they wanted someone they thought could
change the culture of secrecy and deceit that had become the Government of the
United States of America. Carter solidified the public’s belief in himself, as
an honest man, with two things that happened leading up to his election as
President. The first was Carter’s statement that, “I will never lie to the
American people”. An extremely important statement considering the fact that
President Nixon, during a press conference about “Watergate”, said
emphatically, “I am NOT a crook”! The second was Carter’s unprecedented
interview with “Playboy” magazine where he made the comment that he had,
“lusted in his heart”. The American people had never met a man such as Carter
who they had a chance to vote for. And vote for they did!
Bill Clinton ran for
president during a time when, I think, the American public was just plain tired
of twelve years of Republican rule in the executive office. The Soviet Union
and communism, in general, had suddenly and shockingly collapsed (in the feared
eastern bloc countries). The threat of “global thermal nuclear” war was now
just a memory in the collective consciousness of the American people. America
was also realizing that “trickle-down economics” was a fraud perpetrated by the
Republicans on the American economy and it was being exposed by the downturn
the economy was taking as campaign season started. Voters were ready for a
change. They wanted someone who wasn't a part of the old guard and they wanted
someone who was electrifying! Bill Clinton filled both those rolls. Clinton
talked about wholesale changes to the climate of secrecy that the Reagan and
Bush presidencies created after Jimmy Carter. One of the things talked about
was opening the UFO files (I want to say up front that I’m not making a case, pro
or con, in regards to UFOs). I’ll never forget a question that was asked of
Clinton during a press conference. When someone asked him about whether he was
going to make the UFO files public, Clinton responded that he would because HE,
HIMSELF, WAS INTERESTED to find out about what we knew! Clinton also thought
that it was time that the American people knew what the government knew in
regards to the Kennedy assassination. He felt that there were facts that were
being hidden from the public and it was time to put an end to that. I believe
it was in 1995 that Clinton set up a commission to gather facts about the
investigation that were missed or OMITTED by the Warren report. He was definitely
on to something because the Secret Service got wind of the commission BEFORE
they had ONE WEEK BEFORE the commission began! How convenient considering the
fact that it now looks like the last shot that hit Kennedy in the head (which
mortally wounded him) was from an accidental discharge of the AR-15
rifle that a S.S. agent was holding in the car directly behind Kennedy! Again,
by the time Clinton decided to run, the American people were tired, for
example, of the secrecy that led to the Iran- Contra situation and everything
that went along with it.
Barak Obama was
elected because of the excesses (financially) of the two wars that we were
fighting, as well as the lies that were finally uncovered that got us into the
wars, initially. America watched as then Secretary of State, Colin Powell, told
the U.N. about WMDs and other lies and half-truths. It was this speech that
basically sealed Sadaam Hussein’s fate. The public was also tired of Dick
Cheney’s bullying. His steamrolling tactics put a heavy strain on his
relationships with Donald Rumsfeld and others in the “Dubya’s” cabinet. The
“Cheney apparatus” was basically a shadow administration with Cheney as the
“shadow President” or puppet master, pulling Dubya’s strings as he made the key
wartime decisions that, secretly and possibly illegally, led us into our war
with Iraq. Once these lies and covert activities were discovered, the public
was fed-up with a war that they were being told could go on for decades! It
was, AGAIN, a case of the public refusing to put ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE OLD BOYS
NETWORK back into office. They rejected John McCain in favor of a fresh face
and a vision of hope that people so dearly needed in the face of 6-7 years of
war and an economic collapse with historic possibilities. Like Bill Clinton,
Barak Obama touched people at a visceral level. His speeches spoke of hope and
“change we can believe in”. “Change” is what the voters wanted again. They
listened as Obama talked of ending the war once in office. He adamantly spoke
of closing “Guantanamo Bay”, a promise that was number one in the hearts of a
great number of American voters. Just this one promise could have been the
garneror of a huge majority of Obama’s votes! It was, and is, an issue that struck
people at such a gut level because of the acts of torture perpetrated on the
prisoners of war. Americans were ashamed of these acts, dare I say, crimes! Closing
Guantanamo was a way for these Americans to forgive themselves and hopefully,
for the world, to forgive us! It never happened!
Each of these men had
ideal circumstances for them to take advantage of when they chose to run for
the presidency. It’s impossible to know whether these men chose to run because
they saw the opportunity that was handed to them or if they were going to run
anyways and circumstances happened to break right for them. In any event, all
three circumstances, all three opportunities and all three men came together to
create “a perfect storm” for change to the government of the United States of
Change is a strange
thing. If we took a hard look at ourselves, we’d realize that there is a fear
of change, in varying degrees, in all of us. The fear comes from the thought of
us being taken out of our comfort zones. As we go along in life, we all have to
adjust to change as we try to embrace the new things that are occurring around
us and to us. We make changes to adjust to a new job, a new boss and new
personalities in an environment that we must accept. We make changes to adjust
to a new living environment, such as buying a home. Change also represents “something”
that we CAN’T control. Consequently, we strive to create situations and
environments that are to our liking and won’t change UNLESS WE WANT THEM TO.
The United States
Senate is an old and staid institution. Once referred to as “The Old Boys
Club”, they have been famous for being set in their ways. The U.S. House of
Representatives, although slightly more progressive (at times), is also an
institution set in its ways. These two institutions would have to be changed in
order for these three men to create a new environment of openness in our
government. Since the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, power has been
increasingly flowing towards the president. Slowly but surely, the legislative
branch of government has taken a back seat to the President. Presidential power
reached its zenith with the George W. Bush administration. In the wake of the
9/11 attacks, Congress granted Bush unprecedented powers. In essence, they
really felt that they had no choice, lest they be accused of being
“unpatriotic”. This was a very real fear considering what Cheney and his
“crew” did to anyone that they felt got in their way. The Congress though, was
able to increase its power of secrecy precisely because of the “culture of
fear” created by the very attacks on the towers. Everyone agrees that the
failure of our intelligence agencies was at the root of our inability to know
that the attacks were coming. Consequently, the President, in conjunction with
the Congress, created a larger National Security “world”, as opposed to
“community” to try to make sure that we don’t get caught with our proverbial
“pants down” again. Just another tool for the “G” to use to collect more data
and keep more secrets from the citizens, not just of the United States, but
also of the world.
Another “institution”
that would need to change would be the large and sprawling apparatus referred
to as the “Civil Service Community”. More specifically, “Career Civil Servants”.
Any government as big as the U.S. Government needs people to staff the hundreds
of thousands, maybe millions, of everyday jobs that are required for a government
to run smoothly. Growing ever larger as the years have passed, they too
jealously protect their jobs and fiefdoms. This institution (for lack of a
better word) is a lot harder to get a grasp of. They’re like trying to grab gelatin,
as it oozes through your fingers while grasping at it. It absolutely is the
largest group to try to corral in order to change the culture of silence and
Although all three Presidents
came to power with great hopes and dreams, they were walking into a situation that
was doomed from the start. The branches of government, that they so desperately
needed help from, had their heels dug in deep to keep anyone from taking more
of their cherished powers from them. It simply was doomed from the start. As
the saying goes, “It takes two to tango”, and the Government wasn't dancing!
Another problem that
each of these men had was that they were all outsiders. Both Carter and Clinton
were Governors of states and southern states, for that matter. As the southern
states lost respect because of their defiance of the “Civil Rights Act”, their
Senators and Representatives slowly lost their influence as well. Therefore,
two men from the South, although elected President by the people of the United
States, weren't given any respect from the Congress as a whole. They certainly weren't the men that the Congress would have chosen. An example of how
important it was to have the backing of the houses of Congress is Lyndon
Johnson’s presidency and the terrific amount of legislation that he was able to
pass. From 1931 through to 1961, the South had a lock on the speakership of the
house. In fact, Sam Rayburn from Texas held the speakership for 17 out of 21
years from 1940 until his death in 1961. As Rayburn’s protégé, Johnson learned from the
“Master of the House” and was himself referred to as the “Master of the
Senate”. Although Johnson lost Rayburn’s influence in the house, he had learned
enough from him to get what he needed legislatively, when he needed it.
As Jimmy Carter took
over the Presidency in January of 1977, he brought with him his “Georgia
Mafia”. Every President brings with him to the White House the people who got
him there. The problem with Carter’s advisers was that they refused to bend to
the will of the “Washington way”. They rubbed the Washington social scene the
wrong way, choosing to keep their “Georgia skin” and preferring to go to
country music concerts instead of the symphony. Now, that might not have been
so bad, if they were willing to learn how to work with the Congress. Carter’s
congressional liaison, Frank Moore, was a novice on the national level. He
never established a relationship with Tip O'Neill and they down right refused
to play the political game of “trading favors” to get legislation passed. Even
Lyndon Johnson, with the influence that he had, knew his influence sprang only
from his ability to know what it was that every single member of the Senate
wanted in order to get his vote. That’s not only how you get legislation
passed, it’s how the game of life is played. Carter refused to allow Moore and
Hamilton Jordan (another member of the Georgia Mafia) to play this game of
“give and take”. They never had a chance from the get-go. As stated before, the
Congress is an institution, set in its ways, whose members do not intend to
pass legislation for an inconsequential, inexperienced, soon to be one term, Southern
President. These members of Congress, fearing the loss now of their
“pork”, refused to give up one of the last things that they still had to
get themselves re-elected. Jimmy Carter’s high idealism of refusing to trade
“pork” for votes, couldn't even get the Democrats to help him out. It was the
Senators’ and the Representatives’ fear of losing control of their ability to
guide their destinies by not being able to bring jobs and money back to their
states and districts, that doomed Carter’s hopes of fundamentally changing government.
I believe Carter felt that if he could have four years of passing legislation,
in this new “pristine” (without the “dirty” backroom deals that Carter found to
be revolting) fashion, it would start a proverbial snowball effect, forever
changing the way the Congress conducted its business. To Carter’s credit, he
certainly stuck to what he believed in. He never wavered in his four years from
this tactic.
Bill Clinton was
elected because of the growing frustration with the previous twelve years of
Republican dominance of the White House. He had the misfortune though, of
coming into office at a time in history when politics was becoming “toxic”. After
winning the White House for the last three elections, the Republicans developed
an arrogance that absolutely blinded them to the fact that now that there was
no Soviet threat, the American public was turning its focus inward and they didn't like what they saw. Americans were finally concluding that they were
sold a bill of goods about “trickle-down economics” (Repubs. are still
advocating for it) and the example of its failure was evident as the economy
was in a down-turn as we entered the campaign season for the 1992 Presidential
elections. “It’s the economy STUPID” became a famous Clinton campaign slogan. Being
embarrassed by losing the White House to a relatively unknown southern
Governor, the Republicans hit back. We all agree that Bill Clinton was no saint.
All the sordid information that came out, starting in the campaign, deserved to
come out. After all, we are talking about shedding the cover of secrecy in
government. Yet, Newt Gingrich and the Republican’s took it too far. The nastiness
and downright lies went too far, setting an example for the kind of politics we
have today. Yes, the voting public needs to be informed but when that goes too
far and lies start to dominate the atmosphere, we get to the point that we’re
at now... dysfunction! As Barak Obama has discovered, the Republicans have no
shame and that started with Bill Clinton. Now, to be fair, the Democrats have
their “snakes” but you’d be hard pressed to count them on one hand. Newt’s “orchestration”
of “his” government shutdown was a blueprint for today’s version that we are
just coming out of. What is so baffling is the fact that they couldn't see the
forest for the trees. How could they have overlooked the fact that Newt’s
shutdown ruined his career and only served to bolster Clinton’s ratings! What
the Republicans decided in 1994, to refuse to work with Bill Clinton, they have
carried over to today with President Obama. It has created an environment of
total stagnation. Again, more deceit and secrecy.
Another Republican
answer to being embarrassed by Clinton’s election was to cede control of the
party to the radicals. A situation that the moderates have yet to wrestle back
from them. Again, as with Jimmy Carter, Clinton was an outsider. But, Clinton
learned from Carter’s mistakes. He had experienced people with him who knew how
the culture of Washington was and was willing to play ball with the Congress.
Unfortunately, for Bill Clinton, he made a couple of early mistakes with the
Congress which almost sidelined his Presidency the minute he made the first
one. That first mistake was putting his wife Hillary in charge of the
Democrats’ first attempt at “Health Care Reform”. If there was anyone that the
Republicans despised more than Bill, it was Hillary. Her attempt at health care
was doomed from the start. Even with Clinton’s more experienced advisors, I
think that this move (Hillary wasn't elected to anything yet) upset even their
closest Democratic supporters.
As I stated before,
there is an inherent adversarial relationship between the Congress and the
White House. This is true even when the President’s own party holds sway in
both houses. Such was the case with President Carter’s presidency. In fact, the
95th Congress was the first one since 1965 where any party, in this
case, the Democrats, had a filibuster proof 60% majority. Yet, Carter’s tactics
would deepen that adversarial relationship and be the reason behind him losing
an unprecedented opportunity to put his stamp on a new culture in American
politics. In Bill Clinton’s case, he only had a Democratic majority for his
first two years. The last six years of Clinton’s presidency was a brutal exercise
in futility that was highlighted by the government shutdown, bitter political
accusations and eventually his impeachment trial. It seems that Clinton’s
impeachment was a forbearer for the next two presidencies to have to worry
about because politicians realized how damaging this could be to a President.
What I’m talking about is the fact that both Bush and Obama have had to worry
about their political rivals making accusations of impropriety and there being
this hush-hush talk of impeachment. There never was a beginning of such events,
but there were rumblings that lie just underneath the surface.
Today’s relationship
between President Obama and the Republican controlled Congress is, and will be,
legendary. I don't need to go into the specifics because anyone interested in
reading this post will know the highlights, and lowlights, of this relationship.
What I will say is that because of the relationship, America got a watered-down
Healthcare bill. That’s both parties’ fault.
President Obama
started out on the campaign trail as, what some would say, a “Maverick”. His
campaign’s ability and connection to social media fueled a finance juggernaut
that no one had seen before. He had financial advisers, initially, who gave him
terrific advice as he campaigned his way to the Presidency. Remember, America
was just hit with an economic catastrophe that threatened our financial existence.
Unfortunately, in the interregnum before he took office, Obama was told that his financial advisors would never be confirmed for the positions that he wanted
for them and in no uncertain terms- “get rid of them now”! He caved, a bad
example to set before he even took office.
Obama’s promise to close
Guantanamo Bay was a key factor in him being elected. Yet, as the beginning
months of his Presidency passed, people started to realize that Obama wasn’t
going to keep this promise. We need to remember that Obama’s advisers were some
of the same people who worked for Clinton. Men like Rahm Emanuelle were tough
scrappers who’d been bloodied in the congressional wars of the 1990s. They knew
what was going to be needed to make Obama’s presidency a success, or so they
thought. What they did do was to realize when it was time to acquiesce and
compromise. I believe that is exactly what Obama did with Guantanamo. It is
useless to beat your head against the wall when you know it will never crack!
Obama learned that sometimes it’s better to go along to get along.
I also think that
Obama came to realize that what he wanted to do, open up the government and its
secrets, pull us out of Iraq and restore the civil rights that had been trampled
on by the Bush administration, were actually things that were going to be a
great benefit to him in the end. Being able to finally track down and kill Osama
Bin Laden was the decisive factor, I believe. The huge National Security World
was reaping great benefits for Obama and it was simply too tempting NOT to use
their information. Obama has made the “Drone Program” a fixture in the war on
terror and has already learned how to fend off questions about the programs
legality. As we watch Obama over the years, we can visibly see him change from
an outsider to someone who is starting to fit in with “business as usual” I
fear it is basically too late for the latest attempt by a President to change
the culture of secrecy and deceit in government. This President has chosen to
use the new laws to gather information to his advantage as opposed to change
them and restore the civil liberties of the American public. Again, another
chance for change is lost.
Trying to write about
how to change the culture of the career civil servant is extremely difficult.
Because these individuals are private not elected employees, there is no way to
get to understand each individual’s thinking. There are possibly millions who
have different political beliefs and they are loyal NOT to the President in
power but to their immediate boss and possibly HIS/HER political leanings. The
fact remains that these people have a job to keep and they too, will do what’s
needed to keep that position. Trying to get the State Department to change the
way they do things in their everyday functions, was and is, an impossible task
that every Secretary of State, over the last 50- 60 years, has commented on. It
just doesn’t happen overnight. Unfortunately, these are the very people who
make the government work on a daily basis!
We are at a crossroads
today as to how our government will function given the ferocity of the
accusations thrown across the aisle from Republican to Democrat and Democrat to
Republican. There is gridlock, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. People
are frustrated and we’ve yet to find anyone who can fix this mess. Three
different Presidents have lost opportunities to change the culture of secrecy
and deceit as well as divisiveness that
threatens the world’s greatest Democracy. No, I’m not a “sky is falling” type
of guy, nor do I think our system of government will fall. I do believe though,
that if something isn’t done soon, America will have consequences to pay that I
don’t believe we can contemplate now!
So, again, that’s “As
I understand it now... ‘til it changes.” Let me know what you think.
Michael K. Stichauf